
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nadia Steiber

Principal Investigator
University of Vienna
Department of Sociology
Rooseveltplatz 2
1090 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-49290

Nadia is Professor of Social Stratification and Quantitative Methods at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna, and Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS). She is affiliated with the IIASA Population and Just Societies ProgramHer main areas of research are at the intersection of employment and family research.

Univ.-Prof. Anna Baranowska-Rataj

Umeå University
Centre for Demographic and Aging Research
901 87 Umeå
T: +46-90-786-7947

Anna is Professor in Population Studies at the Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research (CEDAR) at Umeå University. Her research interests concern processes at the intersection of labour market, family as well as health and well-being of family members. Currently she also leads the project "The effects of unemployment on health of family members" (HEALFAM) financed by the ERC Starting Grant.

Ass.-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Erich Striessnig

University of Vienna
Department of Demography
Dominikanerbastei 16
1010 Wien
T: +43-1-51581-7712

Erich is Assistant Professor at the Department of Demography at the University of Vienna. Erich’s work is focusing on the development of multidimensional population projections, as well as their application in questions related to social transformation processes resulting from the demographic metabolism. The range of topics that he has been studying in this framework range from attitudes toward migration to European identity and pro-environmental behaviour.

Sandrine Metzger, MSc

University of Vienna
Department of Sociology
Rooseveltplatz 2
1090 Wien

Sandrine is a researcher at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna. She is currently completing her PhD at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (expected 2024) and has previously earned an MSc degree in Statistics and Applied Economics from the ENSAI Graduate School, France. Her doctoral research examines gender inequalities in mental health over the life course, focusing particularly on the consequences of parenthood transitions.

Ass.-Prof. Erika Sandow

Umeå University
Centre for Demographic and Aging Research

901 87 Umeå
T: +46-90-786-5294

Erika is  Associate Professor at the department of Geography and affiliated to the Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research (CEDAR) at Umeå University. Her research is focusing on how social and geographical conditions cause different prerequisites and needs for long-distance commuting and social consequences related to long-distance commuting, in terms of gender differences in commuting patterns and earnings, separations and health consequences of commuting.

Laura Zilian, BSc MSc PhD

University of Vienna
Department of Sociology
Rooseveltplatz 2
1090 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-49279

Laura is an assistant professor (non-tenure track) at the Department since August 2023. Before joining the Department, she worked as a researcher at the University of Graz (2018-2023) and at WU Vienna (2020-2021). She received her PhD in Environmental Systems Science from the University of Graz in 2021. Her research focuses on labour market analysis, the impact of digital transformation, digital inequality and quantitative methods.